Lead Management, Lead Nurturing, Marketing Automation, Marketing Basics
Digital Marketers face countless challenges and obstacles on a day-to-day basis. Unknowns abound as we tirelessly work to answer important questions: “Which creative resonates best with our audience?” “How do we generate leads for our sales team?” “How do we know when...
Lead Nurturing, Quora Answers, Sales Management
Marketing automation helps you move prospects down the funnel in two ways: It allows you to identify prospects whose timing for purchasing is changing to your advantage,It allows you to build relationships with prospects whose timing isn’t right yet. So, to answer...
Lead Nurturing, Quora Answers
The qualities of a good lead magnet: Should offer genuine value Which is measured by whether someone is willing to exchange their email address in exchange for accessing it. I say genuine value, because we’ve all been burned by an enticing offer that turned out to be...
Email Marketing, Lead Nurturing, Quora Answers
When used correctly, the impact of email automation is a huge positive – more customers, more revenue. Even better, the results build over time. The reason for this is simple math. The Fastest Growing Part of Your Database is Prospects Who Haven’t Bought Yet Assuming...
Lead Nurturing, Net-Results Product Features, Uncategorized, Web Analytics
UTM tags are like magic for digital marketers. They make it easy to understand which of your efforts are working and how many leads they’re driving. We’re happy to let you know that Net-Results will now insert UTM tags into your emails automatically! Why is this...