Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Net-Results Product Features, Quick Tips, Social Media
Each year, we look to new and emerging trends, especially in the realm of marketing automation (what can we say? We’re MA nerds!). However, due to the nature of our software, we’re pretty jazzed about digital marketing trends in general! Considering you, reader, are...
Marketing Automation, Marketing Basics, Social Media
It’s something we, as marketers, see time and time again. Your organization starts a new social media program: everyone is jazzed about it for a few weeks, maybe a few months, and then eventually… it fizzles. Why social media strategies fail on...
Quora Answers, Social Media
“How do I write a good piece of content for social media posts?” Of course, some of this is going to involve your creative process. So Step 1: learn how to write and how to write well. But let’s assume you’re already there! I’m going to make a second assumption for...
Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Marketing Basics, Quick Tips, Social Media
It’s no shocker that the New Year is the time of resolutions. Instead of trying to spend more time on the treadmill or vowing to eat more broccoli, try these 9 Marketing Resolutions for 2019 that’ll help kick your team and your work into high gear in the new year. 1:...