As a college graduate with a degree in marketing I never thought I would have that feeling of being lost or uncertain about my professional future. You know that feeling you had in high school when you weren’t sure where your life was going and the daunting pressure on you to get into that one “perfect” college your parents picked out. Well I am now learning that the path to being found was not going to happen in one day but would take a process.
I graduated from college with a plan and goal, but I started to realize how hard it was to get into that perfect job. I came to the realization that every company wanted experience but I could not understand how to gain that experience if no one would take a chance on me. I knew I had to get on the path to success by gaining experience even if it wasn’t the career path I wanted.
Blind Communication
Spending time in sales helped me realize which efforts were effective and valuable. But the cold calls and emails felt empty. I knew it wasn’t for me. It was frustrating to spend so much time communicating, and not receiving a reply. I just about lost it when I realized I was being labeled as SPAM. The process of sending out emails to thousands of prospect was inefficient and never had a successful ROI. I knew I needed a change and as an email marketer there had to be a more efficient way.
For me, that process would lead me to a search for an internship that would give me marketing experience that companies were looking for. This process was not going to be easy. But internships are out there, even paid ones for people not in school anymore. After months of searching I was able to find an internship that would do everything I was looking for, which lead me to Net-Results. I finally felt like I was on the right path.
Marketing Automation Providing Success
My personal experience is similar for an email marketer as well. We have the same goals. Being found. Being heard. Being rewarded. Being successful. To go from being lost to being found requires some kind of process and a process that you must not give up on no matter who you are or what situation you are in.