Net-Results allows you to analyze prospect qualifications and behavior in ways simply not possible with other systems. Now we’ve made it even easier for you to get your hands on this
information by enhancing Net-Results’ automated reports.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve completed substantial upgrades (and one addition) to Net-Results’ reporting suite (with more to come this quarter).
As always, you may schedule each of these reports to be delivered to your inbox on a daily, weekly, monthly or immediate basis. And don’t forget the most important part – Net-Results provides Segment-Driven reporting. Because you can segment on anything you want you can report on anything you want. Only now it’s more convenient to receive this great information.
Website Visitor Details
- See the date & time of your prospect’s most recent activity
- Lead Score at a glance to gauge the sales-readiness of each lead
- Clicking on Company Name will take you straight to a listing of all leads from that company within Net-Results
- Clicking your prospect’s name will take you to the Contact Detail page in Net-Results where you can view a complete Activity Stream (page views, emails received/opened/clicked, much more), view/manage List Membership, view an audit trail of all Lead Score adjustments or cause the prospect to be synced with your CRM
- What brought the prospect to your website? See it and drill down on it easily.
- The number of pages your prospect viewed on your website during the report’s date range
- Search for your prospect in LinkedIn with a single click. Find your prospect’s company on Google. Or dive in to a Net-Results view filtered to your prospect.
Search Phrases, Traffic Sources & Pages Viewed
We’ve added clean charts and easy to read tables to several analytic reports: Search Phrases, Traffic Sources & Pages Viewed.
Search Phrases: Which phrases are your prospects using to find your website? Use Segments to see which phrases drive prospects to actually convert vs. which phrases lead nowhere. Then focus your SEO and inbound marketing efforts where they’ll deliver the best results.
Traffic Sources: Where are your prospects coming from? Which 3rd party sites are bringing traffic your way? Again, Segments are your best friend here. Use them to go beyond statistics to understand what is actually helping your revenue grow.
Pages Viewed: Here you can see which pages were the most popular. Useful. Even more useful when you leverage Net-Results Segments to understand which pages were most important to prospects that converted into opportunities or closed business.
Each of these reports allows you to choose to receive between 10 and 50 top results and comes with a .csv file attached that includes up to 10,000 results for offline analysis.
The Rundown: An At-a-Glance Summary of Individuals & Analytics
We also added one new report type, the “Rundown”. The Rundown report pulls together each of the reports mentioned above into one summary showing your Top Visitors, Search Phrases, Traffic Sources and Pages Viewed. This report provides a fast overview and can be sent daily, weekly, monthly or as you otherwise desire.
Of course the Rundown is Segment-Driven so you can easily get an overview of, for example, prospective customers and their activity vs. prospective partners (this example is one our executives became addicted to before the Rundown was even ready to launch).
Please let us know what you think of these new reporting capabilities and how you’re using them to build a better revenue engine at your company!