While this post may seem like a thinly-veiled swipe at our competitors I assure you this is truly sincere. I want to take a quick moment to thank Eloqua, Marketo, Hubspot and others for raising so much money in our space. Because raising all that money has raised awareness, and awareness is what any new space strives for initially. And as you’ve spent that money creating a market you’ve left a wake in which we’ve been draftingDrafting the Competition while building an incredible product and fantastic relationships around the world. We couldn’t be more pleased with where we stand today.
Today, we have a number one product ranking. We’ve built a unique segment-driven marketing automation system that provides our customers a combination of power, flexibility and simplicity unmatched in our industry. We have a partner ecosystem around the globe that continues to ensure ever higher levels of success for our customers. We have a profitable, 100% employee-owned SaaS company that is passionate about one thing: the success of our clients and partners.
Are we known massively throughout the world? Do we have significant market share? Will we achieve a 9-figure IPO in the next 2 years? On all counts, no. But we are okay with that. We know and our partners and customers know how good we are, and that’s good enough. For now. Happy Friday.

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