The 4 Rs checklist


You’ve made the leap that many others, including your competitors, are investigating. Well done! Your boss has asked you what benefits you will get from marketing automation quickly. A proper question to be sure, but possibly a bit short-sided. Marketing Automation is an emerging practice and you need a partner and process that will define your path for success.
Hoping and expecting that Marketing Automation will deliver measurable ROI in 30 days may be unrealistic, however. But, you can and should expect to see significant positive changes in process, content and communication, which is the foundation of your long-term success with Marketing Automation.
Before you begin your Marketing Automation effort make sure that your partner and you, have a plan. Here’s your checklist for the first 30 Days.

Checklist For Your First 30 Days of MA.

  1. Rally the Troops
    • Communicate the goal. Then communicate it again.
    • Consolidate systems and processes.
    • Identify functions and prepare for new roles or activities.
  2. Raze the Silos
    • Build consensus between Marketing, Sales and Technology.
    • Recognize that definitions will shift in the beginning.
    • Prepare for updates, changes and modifications and have a plan to support them.
  3. Refactor the Process
    • Embrace feedback and change.
    • Create a method to update your MA process to respond to business drivers.
  4. Realize your fortune
    • Insight comes from many sources. Prepare to leverage many talents from your team.
    • Assets are extensible. Determine ways to access existing content, obtain clearance for its use, and give it new life.
    • Create a schedule of content authoring.
  5. Rely on your partner
    • Know the implementation plan and partner resources available to you.
    • Access your Partner’s information repository and prepare your team and first campaign with excellent MA content.
    • Leverage your Partner’s skill to create your first campaign, landing page and alert.

Tackling these “5 R’s” (Rally, Raze, Refactor, Realize and Rely) will put you on a terrific path for success. What are you waiting for?!

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