Each month Net-Results chooses one of our global channel partners to feature in a “Spotlight” interview. The firm we choose is a Net-Results partner with a compelling offering who is a leader in their industry. We publish our Partner Spotlights to our blog and in our newsletter for people to learn from their experiences. Check out our interview from September 2013 with Luke Burrell, Director of Mezzanine Media.
Mezzanine Media is a strategic creative branding studio, brought together by a genuine passion to connect with great minds to tackle any problem, anywhere, with the ability to build clear and engaging brand stories. Their capabilities stretch from brand strategy through to brand communications and with focus on the bigger picture clients, identifying their core strengths and culture to deliver creative that tells their unique story and reinforces their brand position. They go the extra mile to help others, not just their clients and each other, but everyone.
Q: Give us 3 words to describe your company.
A: Family, Strategic-creative, Passionate
Q: What is a common pain point in lead management you see with your customers?
A: Not being able to easily identify and deliver sales and marketing specific to customers interests and position in the sales funnel.
Q: What are the 3 most important technology tools you use?
A: Software: our CRM which is fully integrated into our cloud accounting software (Xero), Net-Results, the Adobe suite and the good ‘ole Chrome browser as the gateway to the internet.
Q: If you could, what would you automate in your life?
A: Marketing! Haha, is that the right answer? Sorry but I could pass on an automated house cleaning system.
Q: In 3 words, how would you describe Net-Results?
A: I can do it in two words, Simple complexity.
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