Net-Results vs. Pardot—two wonderful marketing automation platforms with plenty to offer.

If you’re in the research phase of your marketing automation journey, you’re probably overwhelmed with the amount of information floating around out there. Thankfully, you’re in luck! Today we’re synthesizing the key differences between Net-Results and Pardot.

Whether it’s the price, quality of support, ease of use, or dynamic content abilities, we’re here to discuss the nitty-gritty of these two marketing automation systems.

In order to set the record straight before we dive in—we love Pardot! Sure, we may share the same product (marketing automation software), but we always enjoy a little healthy competition between us and our competitors.

Please note all data was pulled from a comparison report from G2. Click here to read the entire report.

1. Price

We get it—price plays a huge factor when deciding which marketing automation platform to choose. 

Taking a look at the chart provided, it’s clear to see which software comes out ahead when it comes to cost. Better yet, Net-Results offers a free trial, while Pardot does not (who doesn’t want a test drive first, eh?). 

Here at Net-Results, we take pride in our transparent pricing. Be sure to check out our pricing info!

Put simply, Net-Results is a more cost-effective program, while Pardot calls for a much larger budget, traditionally. Depending on your workplace, that may or may not be a problem! That being said, pricing isn’t everything, so let’s get on to how they compare feature-wise too and we’ll let you draw your own conclusion!

2. Quality of Support

We could let this graphic speak for itself, but we’ll go ahead and explain why Net-Results’s quality of support ranks so high compared to Pardot.

Net-Result’s Customer Success Team is best-in-class and we don’t say that lightly. Our customers have consistently rated our Customer Support at 98% on G2 and we’re proud of that. Our CS team is available at no additional cost to the customer and the average first response time is 1.24 hours—kick the industry standard to the curb!

Here at Net-Results, Customer Success is one of the things we do best. Depending on where you’re at in the marketing automation process, that could be a huge selling point for you and your team. 

3. Segmentation

Okay, this wasn’t a total blowout, but Net-Results continues to take the cake! Segmentation is one of our key features as a platform and we take pride in the versatile, thorough segmentation capabilities of our platform. 

Segmentation will allow you to strengthen and hone in your email marketing campaigns, data reporting, and strategy. Segment to your heart’s content on the Net-Results platform—we make it easier than ever to send the right message to the right people. 

That being said, Pardot has some redeemable capabilities when it comes to segmentation.

Recent customer reviews note segmentation as a strong key feature of the platform; yet, the process has been described as “over-complicated” and “confusing.” When it comes to software, no one wants to deal with the hassle of complicated features, that’s why we’ve done our best to make segmentation a breeze!

4. Dynamic Content

Oops, we did it again.

When it comes to dynamic content, Net-Results pulls out ahead. With the Net-Results platform, adding dynamic content is fast and easy thanks to your Email Builder. 

Our dynamic content feature allows you to evaluate contacts based on fields in customer objects, too! You can inject or “mail merge” values from fields in custom objects into your emails, allowing you to leverage values from the custom object that caused your contact to qualify to dynamically change the text in your emails.


If dynamic content is important to you and your marketing staff, be sure to check out Net-Results Marketing Automation software. We take dynamic content quite seriously around here! 😉

5. Workflow Capability

We strive to enhance and better the flow of our platform, in turn, making the user experience flawless. We allow our users to build intelligent campaigns and nurture programs that help conduct the message flow to your leads with astute precision. 

Sure, Pardot does a “C-grade” job with this, but why settle for “average” when you can have the best? 

To top it off, you can build specific Workflow Campaigns and send follow-ups to those that did not click within an email, send different emails to contacts based on their location or their static field value, and more! 

We’re all about smoothing out the digital marketing process, and that begins with our excellent workflow capability within the Net-Results platform.

When it comes to marketing automation software, Pardot is a more “household” name; however, Net-Results adds some serious competition to the marketing automation playing field.

And we know we’re not perfect, but what marketing automation software is?

Want to schedule a quick chat with our team to discuss how Net-Results can benefit your business? Excellent! Give us a ring (or a ping!) and we’ll be sure to help you find the best marketing automation solution for you and your team. 

Cheers, y’all!

Lexie Robbins

Digital Marketing Specialist

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Alexis Robbins

a seasoned copywriter, digital marketer, and social media connoisseur. Enjoys: anti-jokes, David Bowie, and mismatched socks.