Each month Net-Results chooses one of our global channel partners to feature in a “Spotlight” interview. The firm we choose is a Net-Results partner with a compelling offering who is a leader in their industry.  We publish our Partner Spotlights to our blog and in our newsletter for people to learn from their experiences. This month’s interview is with The CRM Warehouse, who have made it their mission to offer their customers a high-performance, affordable and flexible IT platform based on providing superior Cloud Technology. No hype, no experiments, just proven business solutions. They work exclusively with world leaders in Cloud Technology: IBM, Microsoft, SugarCRM, Drupal, etc.  Check out our interview with Tom Symoens, Managing Director:
Q: Describe your company in 3 words.
A: Bridging Business & IT.   Sorry,  I cheated.
Q: What is the most common pain point your solutions helps to solve for your customers?
A: IT issues of all kind
Q: What is The CRM Warehouse really excel at?
A: Custom made, fully integrated, business management platform based on leading technology
Q: What are the 3 most important technology tools you use?
A: SugarCRM, Net-Results and Drupal
Q: If you could, what would you automate in your life?
A: All paperwork
Q: What is your favorite social platform for your business & why?
A: Linkedin – truly professional social network,  globally the reference and very user friendly
Q: Worst email subject line you’ve ever seen
A: Any email screaming:   “discounted”,  “50% off”,  “buy now”,  “exclusive invitation”…  Are there really people responding on this kind of emails??
Q: What are you working on improving in 2014
A: Evangelise IT 3.0:  a cloud based SaaS platform and how it can be used to drive more efficiency in the modern organization.
Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be?
A: Flying as Superman

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