What’s your favorite part of your job?
Problem solving! I love that I am constantly faced with new issues to find solutions for. My brain gets to be challenged and engaged at work… it’s never boring!

What can we find you doing on Saturdays?
Teaching Yoga, walking my dog, farmers market shopping and usually ending the day with a movie.
Check out Rachel’s cute dog Nike, named after the Greek Goddess of Victory!
What led you to choose this profession?
Honestly, I didn’t really make a decision about getting into Marketing Automation! I was more drawn to the company culture. WHAT industry I work in matters less to me than WHO I work with & HOW I work.
Favorite place in Denver/Colorado?
I really love downtown Denver. I grew up in the suburbs but am definitely a city girl at heart. A good outdoor patio in the city is my jam!

What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
I recently finished the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and found it super insightful. I was challenged with how I interact with my team and am able to notice the breakdowns in communication better. Every team should read it!
Are you a coffee/tea/water person?
All of the above, my daily liquid intake is a little obscene.
What advice do you have for marketers?
Notice when clients are not engaging with your brand. If a customer has not opened an email from you in a few months — stop sending them emails. Instead, focus on getting to know and pulling metrics on the contacts who open your emails and engage with your brand. These are going to be your best customers.

Do you have a secret talent?
I can list all 50 states in alphabetical order and balance on my palms – i.e. Crow Pose.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Ask more questions and speak up for yourself more often. You are afraid of pushing people away but in reality you are holding back from contributing.
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