Assuming you’ve got your marketing down and are infusing leads with a need for your product, here’s 3 things I see work on sales consistently:

  1. Listen. I keep being surprised by AE’s rattling off their pitch. Big no-no. Your job is to understand the customer’s world. Be a consultant. Help them. Show prospects how you could solve their problem. And if you can’t? Be honest about it. Which leads me to…
  2. Actively disqualify leads. This one feels very counterintuitive, but it’s actually great advice. Because if a customer is a bad fit for your product, sure you might get the sale, but afterward you’ll cause all kinds of trouble for the rest of the organization. Don’t sell your enterprise suite to small businesses just because they say they want it. Vet prospects, just as much as they vet you.
  3. Set clear expectations around the process. Sales processes tend to drag on if salespeople are too accommodating. Of course, you work with a prospect’s timeline – but that doesn’t mean you always have to bend over backward. Come from a position of strength, never of desperation: if a free trial ends, it ends. If you offer a discount before a certain date, don’t stretch it (unless there is a really really good reason to make an exception). Be aware that by providing clear expectations you’re actually helping a customer make a decision.

These are all principles you’ll encounter when engaging with our awesome sales team at Net-Results (the first choice of people buying marketing automation for the second time). We’ll listen, be honest if we think you’re a good fit. And we’ll always communicate clearly with you. 🙂

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Henrik Becker

Marketing Automation Consultant