Marketing automation isn’t just for B2B and B2C businesses — I know, initially, that fact blew my mind too! It certainly has the reputation of only being a revenue-boosting software, but that’s not all it’s good for.

In 2022, marketing automation is helping organizations of all shapes and sizes, including non-profits.

We love non-profits here at Net-Results and we enjoy being able to offer them exemplary services to reach their unique goals.

Today we’re breaking down the top 3 reasons why your non-profit needs marketing automation software. Let’s jump right in!

1. Marketing automation improves connection & communication efforts with prospective donors

Marketing automation is a powerhouse for email campaigns, lists, list management, forms, landing page building, subscriptions, reporting, and MORE!

All of these unique and effective features help non-profits like yours connect and communicate with your donors like never before.

Here are just a few examples of how connection & communication is improved with MA software:

  • Craft email campaigns with the click of a button so you can stay in touch and share donation opportunities early and often
  • Design professional, eye-catching landing pages that share all of the important info your prospective donors crave
  • Utilize segmentation to send the right message to the right prospects at the exact right time
  • And more!

For a full rundown on the benefits of marketing automation for non-profits, please download our free, fun-to-read guide here!

2. Implement more personalized marketing efforts

Marketing automation is all about personalization.

With MA software, you’ll be able to identify common themes within your organization’s supporter community and segment audiences based on their interests and levels of giving ability.

Talk about a win! You’ll be able to send your contacts the info that matters most to them; thus, increasing the likelihood of donations.

2022 is the year of personalized marketing efforts and marketing automation software is the best way to get the job done for non-profits.

To learn more about why personalization matters in MA software, check out one of our favorite blog posts.

3. Raise more money for your cause

Having worked in a non-profit before I joined the Net-Results team, I know firsthand just how important it is to raise money for your unique cause. That’s the whole point, right?

There truly isn’t a better software around to help you and your organization achieve this goal.

Marketing automation has everything you need to create and implement marketing campaigns and communications that are guaranteed to get attention from both current and prospective donors. It will also allow you to reach donors more effectively, personally, and at the optimal time.

Learn when your donors are ready to give — after all, marketing automation is all about timing!

We guarantee you’ll raise more funds than ever before with marketing automation software, and best of all, it pays for itself in less than a year according to the latest G2 Crowd Report.

What have you got to lose?

Marketing automation has plenty of benefits for you and your non-profit. For a more in-depth look at how marketing automation software will benefit your organization, be sure to download our brand new resource: “Marketing Automation: How it Benefits Non-Profits.”

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about what can be automated with marketing automation, feel free to reach out and schedule a 20-minute chat with our team. We’d love to connect with you!

Cheers to your success,

Lexie Robbins

Marketing @ Net-Results

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Alexis Robbins

a seasoned copywriter, digital marketer, and social media connoisseur. Enjoys: anti-jokes, David Bowie, and mismatched socks.