The real question is SHOULD you even overhaul it?

In my experience, getting marketing “right” is almost never an overhaul kind of thing. It’s an iteration kind of thing.

If you’re a small business, you probably have a limited budget. You have bigger competitors. You have a small team.

What you (most likely) don’t have is a lot of data. Which means that even if you’ve been very diligent in keeping track of your sales& marketing stats (traffic, conversions, leads, opportunities, deals, revenue) it’s very likely the small sample size of your data will render any conclusions dangerously unreliable.

Now, I get it. It can be tempting to overhaul and start from scratch. Maybe in your case, that’s what’s needed. But it’s far more likely you need to just take a step back, look at all the things you’ve been doing and decide what HAS worked, and what hasn’t.

Especially if you’re not sure you would not be served by throwing it all out. Instead, see how you can start measuring the results in a meaningful way. And if you are, throw out what doesn’t work – but keep the rest going, as you continue to add new ways of driving business.

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Henrik Becker

Marketing Automation Consultant